
Why become a member of the Chamber?

In the context of new concepts: globalization of the economy, market economy and European integration, it is necessary that the Romanian companies to adapt quickly to these problems.
Your business success depends on access to information for business: expert advice for starting and doing business, logistics support your actions, promoting, through various forms and methods of your business, training and improving business management and staff.
I. You can get such services:

The gratuity scheme:

Newsletter and business opportunities in electronic format
Publication offers Chamber members CCIlfov site

Information for: business community, privatization, restructuring – rehabilitation, financial market (banking, insurance, investment funds) information on quality assurance and product certification – ISO 9000 to obtain information on bar code
Participarea la dezbateri si reuniuni pe teme de interes pentru operatorii economici

With facilities:

Discount charges and rates for: providing information on request, lists of companies on the database for direct marketing campaigns, business opportunities, domestic and foreign, laws, taxes, tariffs, taxes etc.
Participation in trade events – fairs, trade shows, exhibitions, etc.., domestic and international – organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Ilfov.
Consultancy services: business (up to the business plan), on consumer protection, foreign trade activity, organization of symposia, company presentations and various activities of the Partnership, certifications: the object of activity, force majeure, signature, etc.
Priority access to trade missions abroad, organized by the Chamber


To enjoy the Chamber’s services
To notify the Chamber on matters concerning the general interests of economic operators, in order to defend and promote these interests
To participate in general meetings of the Chamber, to discuss and take part in the debate of issues that interest commerce, industry and services, and the smooth running of the House


Carry out activities in compliance with country laws and business practices in the trade fair, avoiding any acts of unfair competition
To comply with the status and decisions of the Chamber and contribute to the goals of the Chamber
To pay annual dues established by the General Assembly

How to become a member of the Chamber ?

To obtain membership of the Chamber, contact our office.
Prices for membership of the CCI Ilfov are: 500 RON registration fee and 500 RON annual dues.
You can also complete and send the membership application that we put at your service in .pdf format Application for membership.

Or complete the online form

Terms and Conditions

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Get in touch with us

The Chamber of Comerce and Industry of the District Ilfov

The Chamber of Comerce and Industry of the District Ilfov, non-governmental organization, of public utility, with autonomous character, has as purpose the promotion of the Romanian commerce and industry on internal and external plan.