Services portfolio
Issuance, at the request of companies, of certificates of origin of goods

The Chamber of Comerce and Industry of the District Ilfov is authorized to issue certificates of origin, through Law 335/2007. The certificate of origin is a document used in international trade.
The documents are completed by the exporter or his agent and certified by an issuing body (Chambers of Commerce), which certifies that the export goods have been entirely produced, manufactured or processed in a particular country.
The certificates of origin are issued both for the direct Romanian export and for the implementation of the projects financed through the external financing programs.
The certificate of origin is used for the definitive export of goods and attests to their origin representing a step prior to the establishment of import customs duties. A good originates in a given country if it is wholly obtained, manufactured or processed in that country in a significant proportion.
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Obtaining procedure, terms and conditions of use
Upon issuing the certificate of origin, CCI ILFOV requests the following documents from the Romanian exporter:
- filling in an application form (provided by CCI ILFOV, completed and printed by the exporter)
- declaration of origin
- external invoice
- the company’s registration certificate at the Trade Register
- letter of credit and / or contract
- power of attorney / delegation
- other documents attesting to the origin: certificate of foreign origin, customs declaration, technological file of the product, etc.
When issuing the certificates of origin necessary for companies carrying out projects with external financing, the financing contract (concluded between the final beneficiary and the financing authority) is also requested.
All documents are submitted in original or copy according to the original (as appropriate)
Confirms and certifies upon request, the events in the county that can be considered cases of force majeure

The force majeure certificate is issued to companies and other organizations by CCI ILFOV in order to certify the manifestation of force majeure cases within Constanţa County and which prevented the fulfillment of some contractual obligations.
Any legal person may activate the force majeure clause and may request a force majeure notice if it is unable to fulfill its contractual obligations to a partner due to an unforeseeable and unavoidable event.
The force majeure notice exonerates the party invoking the force majeure event from liability, provided that the event is generated by circumstances beyond the will of the party, the fault of the party cannot be retained and cannot be removed by it. The condition is that the party invoking force majeure notifies its partner about the force majeure event, and will present the opinion issued by CCI ILFOV.
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Among the events generating force majeure we list, by way of example, but not limited to, the following: natural disasters, extreme weather events, floods, drought, hail, heavy snow, strike, riot, emergency, embargo, closure of seaports and river, restricting traffic and navigation.
The Ilfov Chamber of Commerce and Industry has the exclusive competence to approve the cases of force majeure that took place in Ilfov County.
Required documents:
- Written request containing the factual and detailed description of the event, the consequences of the event on the contractual relationship and the legal arguments attesting the causal link between the force majeure event invoked and the impossibility of fulfilling the contractual obligations assumed towards the contractual partner
- Documents in support of the application, respectively:
- The contract affected by the force majeure event, at least in the extract, showing the object of the contract, the parties, the duration and the force majeure clause, as understood by the parties to interpret it
- Attestations, certificates issued by other competent authorities and institutions, depending on the event invoked
- Notification addressed to the contractual partner regarding the activation of the force majeure clause
- Documents proving the causal link between the alleged event and the impossibility of fulfilling the contractual obligations assumed
- Declaration on the own responsibility of the legal representative regarding the veracity of the information provided
- Proof of payment of the documentation verification fee
If, from the submitted documentation, it appears that the event does not fall into the category of those generating force majeure, the notification address regarding the non-issuance of the notice will be issued, explaining the reasons why the force majeure notice is not issued.
The Chamber of Comerce and Industry of the District Ilfov can help you obtain the internationally recognized ChamberTrust certificate!

ChamberTrust a certification tool for companies in order to increase the degree of trust for international partners.
“ChamberTrust represents a globally constituted database and contains enterprises with their products and activities. ChamberTrust represents the guarantee of a level of verification and is destined with priority, to the small and medium enterprises that are interested in the international markets, because these enterprises need this guarantee of trust to be contacted.
ChamberTrust it is made through the Chambers of Commerce because they are a brand recognized all over the world and have a reliable content at an international level. ”
ChamberTrust it is a digital certificate which will be granted to companies based on a specialized analysis, allowing them to register in an international database, very useful especially for international trade.
Obtaining the Chambertrust certificate implies a series of advantages for the companies, among which: a positive impact in the relations with the external partners and an international recognition of the company.

Fairs and exhibitions at Romexpo
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the distict Ilfov helps you to promote your products to those over 30 fairs organized by ROMEXPO, the leader of the exhibition industry in Romania.
As a member of CCI ILFOV, you benefit from the minimum 20% discount at the stand rental rates practiced by ROMEXPO SA.
Depending on the profile of the exhibition, the period or the rented area, the discount may exceed the guaranteed minimum of 20%. Discounts are granted to members for events organized exclusively by Romexpo.

The support in obtaining the Romanian visa for specialists or foreign citizens who carry out business visits in Romania, in order to collaborate with companies from Ilfov District, members of CCI ILFOV, consists in sending letters of recommendation (invitations) to Romanian embassies in the countries of origin the respective citizens, to the Romanian Immigration Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Commercial Arbitration Court attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Ilfov District.

Arbitration is an alternative to the state court, giving the parties the opportunity to resolve civil and commercial disputes, domestic and international, in a much shorter time than if they opted for the state court, while benefiting from the quality and confidentiality of justice.
Any natural or legal person, of public or private law, with headquarters or domicile in Romania or abroad, may resort to the settlement of disputes by arbitration.
What are the advantages of resolving disputes through institutionalized arbitration?
The definitive and binding character of the arbitral awards, their wide international recognition
Romania, along with more than 100 other states, has ratified the United Nations Convention on the Recognition of Foreign Arbitral Awards, concluded in New York in 1958, as well as the speed of arbitration, which can be stimulated by the parties through the possibility of to establish the term of the arbitration, constitutes indisputable advantages of the arbitration
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which has the role of protecting the credibility and prestige of the parties by the fact that the case file, debates and pronouncement are not public. The court hearings are not public, no person has access to information on the activity of resolving disputes of the Court of Arbitration.
Increased quality of justice
ensured by the choice of referees who have in-depth knowledge in the respective field.
Closer approach to the spirit of commercial business
from the perspective of not irreparably compromising the continuation of trade relations between the parties and by resolving disputes in an atmosphere devoid of rigidity.
The costs of resolving disputes are lower
due to the short term in which the arbitral award is pronounced, which can be invested with an executory formula. (the term in which the arbitral award is pronounced is of maximum 6 months, and only an appeal can be exercised against the arbitral award, respectively the action for annulment).
Specialized competence
of arbitrators is another reason for resorting to arbitration, as well as the possibility for the parties to choose the titular arbitrator and the substitute arbitrator from the list of arbitrators.
Procedural advice
is provided free of charge by the specialized staff of the Court of Arbitration at the seat of the Court, by telephone or by correspondence.
Access the services of the Commercial Arbitration Court attached to the Ilfov Chamber of Commerce and Industry
In order to benefit from these advantages, it is necessary to have a compromising clausein the contract concluded between the parties, by which, they agree that the disputes that will result from / in connection with the contract that includes the clause will be resolved through arbitration organized by the Commercial Arbitration Court attached to the Ilfov Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
“Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract, including its validity, interpretation, performance / non-performance or termination, except for special procedures – low value claims and payment orders – will be settled by the Commercial Arbitration Court on next to CCI Ilfov, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of this Court. The arbitral award is final, binding and enforceable. “
In the absence of an arbitration clause inserted in the contract, if a dispute has already arisen between the parties, they may conclude a “compromis“, a separate contract document, agreeing that the dispute between them be settled by the Commercial Arbitration Court attached to the C.C.I. Ilfov. This document must refer to a current and determined dispute, mentioned as such in the compromise act.
If the parties consider a potentially contentious situation, which has not yet been triggered, their agreement to arbitrate this dispute is not a compromise, but an arbitration clause, which may be inserted in an addendum to the basic contract.
Consultancy for the establishment of commercial companies and for the modification and completion of the constitutive acts
Establishment of branches abroad of Romanian companies
Organizes business meetings, symposia, round tables, economic missions in the country and abroad
Support for the development of commercial and industrial activities by facilitating domestic and international contacts and exchanges
Organizes commercial arbitration
Issue certificates and necessary recommendations to the economic agents from the county, at their request
Provides for economic operators any other services and activities established in its competence by law
Intermediation in obtaining ascertaining certificates
Get in touch with us
The Chamber of Comerce and Industry of the District Ilfov
The Chamber of Comerce and Industry of the District Ilfov, non-governmental organization, of public utility, with autonomous character, has as purpose the promotion of the Romanian commerce and industry on internal and external plan.
Get in touch with us
Monday - Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 15:00